# 💎 Breakout: Deploy the backend services of the sample application 💎

# Here is what you will learn 🎯

⏲️ Est. time to complete: 30 min. ⏲️

In Challenge 3 we already created the needed Azure AD applications to integrate the sample application into Azure AD. The frontend is already deployed to a dev and test environment on Azure. In this breakout session we will deploy the backend services in the dev and test environment.

# Table of content

  1. Pull latest changes and create a new branch
  2. Prepare the workflows
  3. Start the deployments
  4. Wrap-Up

# Pull latest changes and create a new branch

Since we made changes in the master branch, we first need to pull these changes:

git checkout master
git pull

Next, we create a new feature branch to prepare the needed changes in the workflows for the backend services:

git checkout -b cicd/backend-day5

# Prepare the workflows

Open the VS Code workspace day5.code-workspace for day5.

Open the following workflows and replace the organization name in each job condition with your organization's name:

  • day5-scm-contactsapi.yml
  • day5-scm-resourcesapi.yml
  • day5-scm-searchapi.yml
  • day5-scm-visitreports.yml

Commit and push your changes:

git add .
git commit -m "deploy backend services"
git push --set-upstream origin cicd/backend-day5

# Start the deployments

Next, do the following:

  1. Create a Pull request to merge the changes into the master branch
  2. Wait until all status checks are successful
  3. Merge the Pull request
  4. Wait until all services are deployed to the dev environment
  5. Test the application in the dev environment
  6. Approve all deployments to the test environment
  7. Test the application in the test environment

# Wrap-Up

🎉 Congratulations 🎉

You've done it. There is nothing more to add, just test the application and enjoy your success 🥳

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