# Challenge 8: Networking and VPN - Enabling Hybrid Networking with a Site-2-Site (Onprem to Azure) VPN Connection

# Here is what you will learn 🎯

What it takes to implement a VPN tunnel between your onprem firewall <---VPN S2S---> Azure. Our final architecture will look like this:
Hybrid Network with Azure

An Azure S2S VPN requires:

onprem Azure
A supported device Azure can talk to.
  • VPN Gateway in its own subnet.
  • VPN GWay requires a dynamic Public IP
  • Settings how the onprem VPN / FWall is to be contacted (aka LocalNetworkGateway)
  • Connection Object with e.g. shared key

# Table of Contents

# Starting Point

Your instructor has setup for you the onprem part - ask him for the details:


Click on the button to get the Azure resources to start with:
azure vpn starting point

Name Value
Resource group (new) rg-vpn
Location North Europe
Admin user demouser
Admin password %some complex value%
Vm Size Standard_B2s or try e.g. Standard_F2s_v2
Disk Sku StandardSSD_LRS

# Create a VPN Gateway and a Public IP using the Azure portal

[Azure Portal] -> '+ Create a resource' -> type "Virtual network gateway" -> Create

Use the following parameter values:

Parameter Name Values
Name myAzVPNGWay
Region North Europe
Gateway type VPN
VPN Type Route based
Gateway type VPN
SKU VpnGw1
Virtual Network vnet-vpn
Gateway subnet address range e.g.
Public IP address Create new
Public IP address name myAzVPNGWay-IP
Enable active-active mode Disabled
Configure BGP Disabled

The GW setup will take approx 30 mins. to create. So come back later (e.g. in the meantime you can do the next lab 😃)

When your GW has been assigned a public IP address then you know it is online.

VPN GW with public IP

# Create a Local Network Gateway in Azure

The purpose of this task is to tell Azure how to contact the onpremise firewall:

[Azure Portal] -> '+ Add' -> type 'Local network gateway' -> Create

Parameter Name Values
Name l-gw-ipfire
IP address %external IP of your Firewall - ask instructor%
Address Space
Resource Group rg-vpn
Location North Europe

# Create a connection object with shared key in Azure

[Azure Portal] -> Resource Groups -> rg-vpn -> myAzVPNGWay -> Connections

Parameter Name Values
Name azure-to-onprem
Connection Type Site-to-Site (IPSec)
Virtual Network Gateway myAzVPNGWay
Local Network Gateway l-gw-ipfire
Shared Key %your choice here%
IKE Protocol IKEv2
Resource Group rg-vpn
Location North Europe

# Configure your onpremise VPN counterpart

We now need to configure the other end of the vpn tunnel: the onpremise firewall in our case a linux FW called IPFire.

  1. For this use the remote desktop client to RDP into your onpremise environment (ask your instructor for connection details):

Internet -- 1st RDP -> onprem Lab (HyperV Host) -- 2nd RDP -> cmW2k19 ( --https -> IPFire (

Connection Flow

Parameter Name Values
connect to 1st RDP
  • IP: %ask instructor%
  • username: demouser
  • password: %ask instructor%
within this session connect to 2nd RDP
  • IP:
  • username: administrator
  • password: %ask instructor%
open browser and do https ( ignore certificate warning -> proceed)
  1. Add the VPN details and save

IPFire -> Services -> IPSec -> 'Connection Status and -Control' -> Add

IPFire: Add a connection

"Net-to-Net Virtual Private Network" -> Add

IPFire: add Net-to-Net connection

Parameter Name Values
Name azure
Local subnet
Remote Host/IP %myAzVPNGWay IP Address% (Azure Portal -> VPN Gateway -> Public IP address)
Remote subnet %Address Range of the virtual network in azure% (in our case
Use a pre-shared key %Shared Key you used above% (Azure Portal -> VPN Gateway -> Connections -> Shared Key)

IPFire: connection settings

  1. Modify the algorithms used for the connection. Click on the pencil symbol and choose 'Advanced':

IPFire: Advanced cipher settings

3.1 You must select the following algorithms/suites for the connection:

IPFire: connection settings

3.2 Select Always on, then save

3.3 Tick checkbox to enable connection. The connection status should go to green:

IPFire: connection settings

  1. Now let's ping your Azure VM (e.g. vmazure) under its private ip (probably: from onpremise:

Successful Ping Do you receive a response?

# Apply a more secure cipher for the VPN tunnel (optional)

The following ARM Template (VPNMoreSecureConnPolicy.json) defines a more secure cipher / algorithm to use for the VPN tunnel:

Parameter Name Values
ipsecEncryption AES256
ipsecIntegrity SHA256
ikeEncryption AES256
ikeIntegrity SHA384
dhGroup DHGroup14
pfsGroup PFS2048

To deploy it, click the button and select correct parameters to apply new ciphers to your current connection.

However, you also need to apply this to the onprem firewall:

VPN more secure cipher

# Cleanup

Delete the resource group rg-vpn

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